Route of the historic markets of Vilanova and Geltrú
ARC Gestió Cultural offers you a visit to learn about the history of the markets in the city of Vilanova i la Geltrú: from their beginnings, with the concession of the market day in the 14th century when Vilanova was still part of the territory of the castle of Cubelles, until to the project and execution of what is today the Center Market.
The tour will reveal curiosities such as the products that began to be sold or the locations of the main locations where some food transactions were made - such as the Plaça Major o Plaça de les Verdures - and the construction , among others, of the Peixateria Vella, whose interior we will visit.
From ARC Gestió Cultural we want to show the visitor one of the most popular and ancestral traditions of the town, counting on the collaboration of the stallholders as direct witnesses.